Julia is bleeding

Julia is bleeding
Some readers were concerned about yesterday’s comic that I just let children bleed.
I wanted to clear that right up.  I can totally understand if you haven’t taught little kids or spent time with large groups of them.  There is a LOT of drama.
As for “injuries,” 99% of the time they are either imaginary or so small they can barely be seen with the naked eye.
All they usually need is a little attention, maybe a magic band-aid or a magic icepack, and then they’re good.  I’m happy to do this.
Right after I’m finished taking roll of course, and handling 23 other little “life-threatening” problems 🙂

About Matt Gajdoš

I'm a cartoonist and elementary substitute teacher. Kids make me laugh and inspire me to be like them. MisterGkids.com View all posts by Matt Gajdoš

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